Christopher Morley- Victoria

I began my perfusion career over 20 years ago, graduating in 2004. In 2005 I joined Alison Horton on the registration committee in the quest for formal Registration of Perfusionists and shortly thereafter I joined the Australasian Board of Cardiovascular Perfusionists, serving on the Board until 2015. During this time I served in a number of positions including ABCP Member, Course Coordinator and Autotransfusion Course Coordinator. Whilst initiating the Autotransfusion Course I was approached by the National Blood Authority to assist with writing the Guideline for Intraoperative Cell Salvage, a process which took a few years and has led to being an advisor to the NBA in relation to Cell Salvage, a position which I still hold. It was during my time with the NBA that I became aware of a need for an Australasian Conference targeting Cell Salvage and Blood Management. Together with Darryl McMillan we started the Intraoperative Management of Blood (IMOB) conference which ran a number of years.
Currently I live and work in Geelong (the only regional public Cardiac Surgery centre in Victoria) where I participate in a busy Cardiac Surgery and ECMO service. I sit on the Equipment Committee of the Victorian ECMO Service (VECMOS), am heavily involved in ECMO training and a current examiner for the ANZBP.
Outside of perfusion I am the father of 2 (nearly) teen boys, live on a small hobby farm and love to go mountain bike trail-riding.