ANZBP Certification

There are two pathways for certification by the ANZCP: an Australian and New Zealand pathway and one for Overseas Trained Perfusionists (see the Overseas Trained Perfusionist Policy for further information on the latter). For the Australian and New Zealand pathway, applicants for Certification who successfully complete:

  • the MUSC-ECS*;
  •  a Clinical Perfusion Traineeship at a recognised training hospital, at the end of which the candidate must be deemed suitable to work in an unsupervised manner (as demonstrated by a log book of 200 cases completed at the recognised training hospital, and signed off by the applicant’s clinical supervisor); and
  • the ANZCP entrance exams,

are eligible to apply for initial certification. 

* There are no currently ANZCP-accredited perfusion courses. However, the ANZCP recognises the Medical University of South Carolina’s ‘Master of Science in Extracorporeal Science’ as providing an acceptable level of the academic knowledge for competency (as described in the Competency Standards) when combined with a traineeship at a recognised training hospital.

This webpage will be updated when the ANZCP accredits a course. See Accreditation for further information about the eligibility requirements for course accreditation.

Please visit the Trainee Portal here.

 Board Certification Examination

To be eligible for certification exams one must have completed their ANZBP traineeship or have been approved via the Overseas Trained Perfusionist Policy.

The examinations are generally held twice per year. Please email the Board for further information at

The Exam format is:

  • Part 1  – 10 short answer questions (3 hours)
  • Part 2 – 120 multiple choice questions (2 hours)
  • Part 3 – Oral exam (50 minutes)

N.B The candidate must pass all three parts.

On successful completion of the final exam, the candidate will be awarded the CCP and will be eligible for ANZCP Fellowship.

All CCP’s are required to have read and abide by the ANZCP Code of Ethical Standards and Professional Conduct;  and the ANZCP Mandatory Declarations Policy.

These documents are available here on the College Documents page.

  • If a candidate fails one or more parts of the exam they may sit those parts at a time suitable to the ANZBP and the candidate
  • The full exam fee will be due for any part or parts of the exams being undertaken.
  • Candidates must have paid the exam fees prior to the sitting date.
  • Candidates will be sent sample questions for all sections of the final exams by the Course Coordinator.

ANZCP Final Certification Examination fee is currently $1,000.00 AUD.

This fee will also apply to candidates who are resitting one or all parts of the exam.
It is expected that exam fees will be paid prior to the final examination sitting date. If payment is not made prior to the exams results will be withheld until payment is made.