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Vale Bruno Marino,

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the passing of a dear friend, colleague and mentor. Bruno tragically passed from pancreatic cancer on February 24th, 2025. 

Bruno was the heart and soul of our perfusion team. His warmth, generosity and unwavering positive attitude was a testament to him as a human. His contagious smile and kind nature made everyone in the operating room feel seen, valued and appreciated. 

Though we are still grieving and are devastated by the loss of Bruno, we cherish each memory and the impact he continues to have on our entire team. His legacy of kindness and joy will live on in our hearts and memories forever. 

We would like to invite members of the perfusion community touched by Bruno to join our team and his family in a celebration of his life on March 16th, 2025 at 


The Centre Ivanhoe, 

275 Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe, Victoria

Please arrive at 1:30pm for a 2pm start. 

Kind regards,

CPR Melbourne Team

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Edition 766, 12th March 2025

Legends Lunch with Tim Willcox at the upcoming AmSECT International Conference

19-23 March 2025

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The Serious Transfusion Incident Report Annual Report for 2022 – 2023 is available to read now.
Blood Matters is a collaboration between the Victorian Department of Health and Australian Red Cross Lifeblood (Lifeblood). STIR provides haemovigilance information to supportsafer transfusion practice.
Public and private health services in Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory contribute to the system. 

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